2024 Message

to the Irish Nation and its Embodiment in the Irish diaspora

Just 106 years ago the simmering embers of freedom for the Irish Nation burst into flame in Dublin’s General Post Office. Seven IRB men signed a proclamation which defines the aims and the spirit of the Irish Nation. All attempts to extinguish those ideals and that flame have been futile whether from the efforts of native treachery or outside interference.

Today our expression of nationalism and the Irish Nation must be both revolutionary and dynamic, embracing the true spirit of the Irish people as envisioned by Pádraig Pearse. It must be free from the distractions of divisive imported ideologies from both right and left. True republicanism does not reduce itself to factional ideologies but embraces the true spirit of sovereignty, freedom, culture and industry endeavouring to forge a strong and proud nation for all the Irish people.

As an organisation the IRB must disavow petty politics and focus on achieving and safeguarding the Irish Nation from imported and divisive petty ideologies. Our National vision must be crystal clear – of the people, by the people, for the people – and we must remain focused on this no matter what the obstacles, and in doing so we will succeed.

While we honour the work, the achievements, the sacrifice and the vitally important foundations created by the endeavours and the sacrifices of our patriotic martyrs and heroes we must not live in their shadows, but instead build on their foundations to re vision and create a worthy future for the Irish People and the Irish Nation and in them preserve its unique and ancient culture.

When the dark clouds of globalism seem to be on the ascendant and are attacking and attempting to dilute our freedom and nationalism in every imaginable way we must weather the storm and realize that all such ideological attacks and physical onslaughts are passing phases in the history of mankind and are ultimately overturned.

We must see the present onslaught against our national spirit and aspiration as a challenge and relish the opportunity to be the light of truth and freedom instilled in us through our ancient national spirit to overcome all adversity and create a bright new future for our people and our Irish Nation.

Our commitment to our dream is now being challenged in every possible way and like a good sword which is tempered in the hottest of furnace we will come out of our present trials tempered stronger and be unassailable in our aims and our commitment to the Irish people and the Irish Nation.

The Irish Nation is indeed comprised of all the Irish People and wherever you may be, Ireland is your homeland and we invite and embrace your valued commitment and contribution. The patriotic commitment, contribution and genius of the Irish Diaspora have always been and are now more vitally important than ever.

There is no future in the comfort zone of expediency or complacency that so many now dwell in. All such comfort zones are crumbling rapidly and unless we shed those habitual comforts they will be torn mercilessly from us and we will be left naked and defenceless.

We must therefore collectively clothe ourselves in the unassailable armour of Gaelic culture and personal sovereignty, in the spirit of our forefathers and our ancient Gaelic People from which our Nation and its sovereignty springs. In doing so we must unselfishly unify in our endeavours to preserve, protect and flourish in a united front and we will become unassailable. Let us in 2024 and this coming Easter and in this manner make Pádraig Pearse’s prophesy come true when he said From death springs life and from the graves of great patriots springs a great nation”.

We the living embodiment of the Irish people possess a great Gaelic and National legacy that has survived and flourished despite every effort to eliminate us as a people and a nation and the experience of our trials provides us in this generation with a great opportunity to unfold and embrace the realization of Pearse’s prophesy. Let us unite and create the realisation of it now.

Tomas O’Riain
IRB President

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