Introduction to the Irish Republican Brotherhood

The Irish Republican Brotherhood together with the Fenians was founded simultaneously in Ireland and the United States. It is the oldest political movement in Ireland. Since its foundation in 1858, the Irish Republican Brotherhood has worked to attain national self-determination and create the Irish Republic.

Irish Republicans trace their political origins back to the United Irishmen of the 1790’s. Inspired by the French Revolution their aim was to break the subjugation of Ireland by Britain. They asserted that only an independent Irish Republic could guarantee freedom, equality and prosperity for the Irish people.

Most of the leaders of the United Irishmen were Presbyterians and Protestants. Their aim was to achieve unity between Irish people of all religions in the cause of freedom. This led to the 1798 rebellion which was ruthlessly suppressed. Despite this their republican spirit and its aims have continued to inspire the Irish people for more than a century and a half.

Irish Republicanism waxed and waned in the 19th Century. Its great revival started with the founding of the IRB and the Fenians. By the end of the 19thcentury the IRB had successfully established and helped establish a number of additional organisations.

At the beginning of the twentieth century Ireland was a place of political, social and cultural ferment. There was the possibility of ‘Home Rule’ – an expanded form of local government – a step forward none the less. And there were stirrings of a more profound nature amongst the people. A people ground down for centuries, robbed of their heritage, hunted, made the butt of racial jokes, pictured as sub humans in magazines like Punch, were rediscovering their pride and their identity. There was the Gaelic literary revival, the language movement, the Abbey theatre, the Gaelic Athletic Association, the labour movement, the Sinn Fein movement, behind them all the Irish Republican Brotherhood.”

John Joe O’Brien Commandant IRA. (John Joes Story)

All of those IRB inspired movements resulted in the 1916 Rebellion and its aims so wonderfully expressed in the 1916 Proclamation. This was followed by the 1918 general election and the establishment of Dáil Éireann a parliament for all Ireland and by the War of Independence. The British couldn’t win so they sued for a truce which in turn led to representatives of Dáil Éireann engaging in ‘settlement’ talks with the British Government.

The final outcome was a British enforced settlement under Lloyd George Britain’s PM’s threat of waging ‘Immediate and terrible war’ on the Irish people.

An imposed divided country was the result with a six county apartheid British Statelet in the north and a Twenty-Six County British Dominion “Free State” in the south with a British created parliament and a British imposed constitution.

This led to a civil war which was really a British inspired counter revolution with British money, guns and even the ship that bombarded Dublin in 1916. They defeated the republicans and left us with what we have today, two failed corrupt disintegrating states.

Today’s Twenty-Six County state is rapidly choking in its own corruption and mismanagement. The Leinster House politicians capitulated to the demands of the corrupt bankers and bailed out their failed gambling orgy with the people’s money and resources.

The British created CORRUPT judicial system, at the behest of the thieving banks is busy destroying the fabric of Irish society by unlawfully ejecting people from their homes in their tens of thousands.

The parasitic politicians do nothing but pass more and more repressive legislation to wring every last hard earned penny out of the people’s pockets. They exercise power without responsibility. That cannot be allowed to continue. It breeds oppressive totalitarian corruption.

The resurgent IRB must unite the people into a peaceful but powerful mass movement and reclaim the country north and south from the corrupt onslaught of bankers, politicians, the judiciary and their supporting medias spin and propaganda merchants.

We must build the IRB into a powerful united people’s movement to turn the tide and reclaim Ireland for this and the future generations of her noble and ancient people. The GAA has a million members and so can we.

In response to this great need the Irish Republican Brotherhood is reorganising and opening new branches or Circles throughout Ireland and amongst the Irish Diaspora. Membership is open to all Irish people over the age of 16.

Tomas O’Riain
IRB President

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